A sequence of 6 lessons based around the UC unit Salvation ‘Why does Easter Matter to Christians?’ for Year 1.
Lesson 1: What is salvation?
Lesson 2: What is the easter story? Please note the images for sorting are NOT included as these were from Twinkl.
Lesson 3: What did we learn about Jesus’ crucifixion?
Lesson 4: What emotions are shown through the easter story?
Lesson 5: How do Christians show their beliefs about the Easter story?
Lesson 6: Give at least three examples of how Christians show their beliefs about Jesus’ death and resurrection in church worship at Easter.
A simple unit of work created around the understand christianity scheme of work for the Year 1 Gospels unit.
Includes a powerpoint and all worksheets.
Lesson 1: L.O: Which stories from the Bible help us to understand the ‘big idea’ of ‘Gospel’ or good news?
Lesson 2: L.O: What does the Bible text of Matthew the tax collector mean to Christians?
Lesson 3: L.O: What instructions does Jesus give to people about how to behave?
Lesson 4: L.O: How do Christians put these beliefs into practice in the Church community and their own lives?
Lesson 5: L.O: What are my ideas about whether Jesus’ ‘good news’ is only good news for Christians, or if there are things for anyone to learn, exploring different ideas?
A sequence of 3 RE sessions based on the UC unit Incarnation.
Session 1 Criteria:
-What is the story of Jesus’ birth which is found in the Bible?
-Why is Jesus important for Christians?
-I am learning the Christmas story from the gospel of Luke.
Session 2 Criteria:
-How do Christians use the story of the nativity to guide their beliefs and
actions at Christmas?
-I am learning about advent and how this looks within a church.
Session 3 Criteria:
-What am I thankful for at Christmas?
-I am starting to think about thankfulness in relation to the Christmas story.
Unit of work based around the Understanding Christianity unit - Faith stories A - What stories are told by and about people of different faiths and beliefs? - YEAR 1
Lesson 1: (Please note images for sorting are not included as these were not my own) - L.O: What can we learn about Jewish faith and belief from the story of Jonah?
Lesson 2: L.O: What can we learn about Muslim faith and belief from the story of The Tiny Ants?
Lesson 3: L.O: What can we learn about Muslim faith and belief from the story of The Thirsty Camel?
Lesson 4: L.O: What can we learn about Hindu faith and belief from the story of Rama and Sita?
Lesson 5: L.O: What can we learn about Hindu faith and belief from the story of The pearls and the crow?